تخط المحتوى






Vocabulary Files

Here we present some contributions to our applications.

The learning files listed here are intended for use with Parley and KWordQuiz. To some extent these files also work with Kanagram and KHangMan.

All the files here are distributed under free licenses. If not otherwise stated this is the GNU General Public License. You are encouraged to download and use the files according to their license.
And you are even more encouraged to contribute your own files or improve the existing ones!

Create Your Files

  • You can create a vocabulary file using KWordQuiz. You add the back and front for each cards and then you save your data.
  • You can also use Parley. Parley offers a wealth of editing possibilities.
  • Please see here for an example of a vocabulary file if you want to create one with an editor.


المفردات / اللغات
التحضير للاختبارات


المفردات / اللغات
علم التشريح / علم وظائف الأعضاء

Key: a: articulare (joints) ; m: musculi (muscles) ; o: os (bones) ; mi: misc. ; _th: theory

  • Guitar tuning standard fretboard - guitar-fretboard-standard-tuning.kvtml, Learn which six notes appear on a particular fret for a guitar in standard tuning. Helps to increase sight-reading speed.
نظرية الموسيقى
  • all keys signatures - key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml, Learn to recognise which key a piece of music is written in by examining how many sharps or flats appear in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: major keys - key-signatures-major-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys.
  • keys signatures: major keys flat - key-signatures-major-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with flats in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: major keys sharp - key-signatures-major-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with sharps in the signature.
  • keys signatures: minor keys - key-signatures-minor-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys
  • keys signatures: minor keys flat - key-signatures-minor-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with flats in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: minor keys sharp - key-signatures-minor-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with sharps in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: relative major and-minor keys - relative-major-and-minor-keys.kvtml, Each major key shares the same notes as one particular minor key. Only the starting note diffs. Each major key is said to have a "relative minor". In reverse, each minor key is said to have a "relative major".

Note: the key-signatures-all-keys file has been broken into -major and -minor, then those halves have been separated into -sharps and -flats since it is easier to learn those smaller chunks than to try to get everything in one go

  • Chemical elements of the periodic table in English - periodic table.kvtml
  • Amino acids in English - aminos.kvtml, 2 lessons: Amino Acid One letter Abbreviations and General R Group
التحضير للاختبارات