Kalkulilo de grafikaĵoj
KAlgebra Mobile
Poŝa Grafeokalkulilo
Fasado por Matematikaj Programoj
Ekzerciĝu en frakcioj
Altnivela Grafikilo por Matematikaj Funkcioj
Interagebla geometrio
Desegnilo de matematikaj funkcioj
Datenobildiga kaj analiza programaro
Statistiko kun R
Rocs Grafea Teorio
Terpomo de Martin Behaim
Kalkulilo de grafikaĵoj
KAlgebra Mobile
Poŝa Grafeokalkulilo
Perioda tabelo de la elementoj
Fasado por Matematikaj Programoj
Altnivela Grafikilo por Matematikaj Funkcioj
Labortabla planetario
IDE por mikroregiloj kaj elektroniko
Datenobildiga kaj analiza programaro
Virtuala Globuso
Marble Mapoj
Statistiko kun R
Rocs Grafea Teorio
Interaga Fizik-Simulilo
Vocabulary Dosieroj
Ĉi tie ni prezentas kelkajn kontribuojn al niaj aplikoj.
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Ĉiuj dosieroj ĉi tie estas distribuitaj sub liberaj permesiloj. Se ne alie dirite ĉi tio estas la Ĝenerala Publika Permesilo de GNU. Vi estas kuraĝigitaj elŝuti kaj uzi la dosierojn laŭ ilia permesilo.
Kaj eĉ pli kuraĝigas vin kontribui viajn proprajn dosierojn aŭ plibonigi la ekzistantajn!
Kreu Viajn Dosierojn
- Vi povas krei vortprovizon per KWordQuiz. Vi aldonas la dorson kaj fronton por ĉiu kartoj kaj tiam vi konservas viajn datumojn.
- Vi ankaŭ povas uzi Parley. Parley ofertas multajn redaktajn eblecojn.
- Bonvolu vidi ĉi tie por ekzemplo de vortprovizo-dosiero se vi volas krei tian per redaktilo.
Vortprovizo / Lingvoj
- English - German, Green Line, 1696 Entries
- English - Spanish - Norwegian (Bokmål), 5 Lessons, 138 Entries
- Georgian Alphabet, Includes Georgian Mkhedruli (მხედრული) alphabet, 2 common transliteration systems, and the IPA symbols for the most common phonetical realizations of the letters. 7 Lessons, 66 Entries
- Catalan - German - Spanish, Irregular German verbs, 6 Lessons, 388 Entries
- Danish - English, 1 Lessons, 2000 Entries
- English - Danish, 1 Lessons, 12762 Entries
- Russian - German - English - Arabic - Spanish, The start of an extensive collection in four languages. Please note that it's not finished. 35 Lessons, 6432 Entries
- Russian - German - English - Arabic - Spanish, The start of an extensive collection in four languages. Includes pictures. 36 Lessons, 6429 Entries
- Verb - español - Präteritum, Partizip, deutsche unregelmäβige Verben, spanische Übersetzung, some irregular verbs for A2, and spanish translation. 13 Lessons, 202 Entries
- Greek - English, 25 Lessons, 1705 Entries
- Norwegian Bokmål - English, Should be edited by others for better and more accurate results and learning. There are more kind of times of the verbs in Norwegian than those who appear here. 2 Lessons, 120 Entries
- Greek - German, Graecum (German - Ancient Greek). No spiritus asper/lenis (didn't work on my machine). 9 Lessons, 5594 Entries
- English - Kanji, This document contains a subset of KANJIDIC, namely the 1945 kanji (jouyou kanji) taught in Japanese school, grades 1 to 6, and in secondary school. It was generated from Jim Breen's KANJIDIC ( by Tomas Åkesson on 26 May 2008. This file is distributed in accordance with the licence provisions of the Electronic Dictionaries Research Group. See and 46 Lessons, 3890 Entries
- German - Latin, 9 Lessons, 6314 Entries
- Pinyin (Mandarin) - Jyutping (Cantonese) - English - Chinese, 12 Lessons, 478 Entries
- 18th Century Prime Ministers, 1 Lessons, 32 Entries
- 19th Century Prime Ministers. 1 Lessons, 66 Entries
- 20th Century Prime Ministers, 1 Lessons, 52 Entries
- CA - Voice Data Video Certification, 3 Lessons, 330 Entries
- Monarchs of England, 1 Lessons, 136 Entries
- SI Prefixes, 1 Lessons, 40 Entries
- Chimie, 1 Lessons, 82 Entries
- Long Range Certificate (LRC), 5 Lessons, 224 Entries
- Fachkundenachweis für Seenotsignalmittel gemäß Sprengstoffrecht, 1 Lessons, 120 Entries
- Short Range Certificate (SRC), 5 Lessons, 514 Entries
- UKW-Sprechfunkzeugnis (UBI), 4 Lessons, 396 Entries
- UKW-Sprechfunkzeugnis (UBI), 3 Lessons, 396 Entries
Vortprovizo / Lingvoj
- Tarball of German to Latin vocabulary files - dela.tar.bz2, alphabetical order from German words
- Tarball of Latin to German vocabulary files - lade.tar.bz2, alphabetical order from Latin words
- Basic words English/German - basic_vocabulary_en2de.kvtml, 1332 entries in 47 lessons
- English/German - Edgar Allen Poe: The Raven - the_raven.kvtml
- Intended for german pupils: Vorbereitung Abitur Englisch - En.AbiVorb.Vokabeln.kvtml, Some remarks, verbs and adjectives
- General words German/Spanish - spanisch.kvtml, Some conjugation
- A collection of German/Spanish vocabularies - tests_deutsch_spanisch.tar.bz2
- Basic words English/Czech - basic_english_czech.kvtml
- Basic words English/Dutch - nederlands.kvtml
- Irregular verbs, English/French - eng-fra_irregular_verbs.kvtml, Includes conjugations
- Words of daily use, English/French - eng-fra_daily_words.kvtml, Includes conjugations
- Basic words English/Japanese - japanese5-6.kvtml, japanese.kvtml, japanese10.kvtml, japanese11.kvtml, japanese12.kvtml, japanese7.kvtml, japanese8.kvtml, japanese9.kvtml, jpn_club_a.kvtml, jpn_expr_a.kvtml, Needs Japanese fonts
- Help for learning Katakana alphabet - katakana.kvtml, Needs Japanese fonts
- Help for learning Hirigana alphabet - hirigana.kvtml, Needs Japanese fonts
- Basic English/Korean vocabulary - korean_lesson1.kvtml, korean_lesson2.kvtml, Needs Unicode font
- Strong verbs used in Norwegian Nynorsk for KVocTrain - sterke_verb_(nynorsk).kvtml, Conjugation
- German - Esperanto words - vortaro-eo-de.kvtml, 278 words
- German - Esperanto words - vortoj-de-eo.kvtml, 163 words
- Polish - German adjectives - pl_de_adjective1.kvtml
- Polish - German verbs. - to train Präteritum and Partizip II - pl_de_verb1.kvtml
- Polish - French basic vocabulary - pl_fr_basic1.kvtml
- English - Lojban vocabulary - en2lojban.kvtml
- Spanish - Catalan vocabulary - escat0.2.kvtml
- Some basic words/phrases for german / arabic - de-ar-1.kvtml, Includes arabic without vocal signs, and arabic with.
- Some basic words/phrases for german / arabic level 2 - de-ar-2.kvtml, Includes arabic without vocal signs, and arabic with.
- A collection of chinese files will be included with kde4 chinese language pack(s) - chinese-kvtml-1.0.tar.gz, Includes: HSK test sets A-D all words now, and most frequent 2000 characters grouped into 500 character files.
- Turkish and german - words, sentence chunks (constructions) and sentences (from a grammar, mostly) - tr-de.kvtml, 792 entries.
- Brasilian Portugese - German 1.0 - pt_BR-de, Including Portugese conjugations and many example sentences.
- Arabic-Dutch-English - ar-nl-en, Still growing, the first 400 words.
- German - general information on joints (Gelenke): a_gelenke.kvtml
- German - the knee a_knie.kvtml, example uses the right knee.
- German - general information on bones - o_allgemein.kvtml
- German - the hip - o_becken.kvtml
- German - the chest - o_brustkorb.kvtml
- German - the chest, theoretical aspects - o_brustkorb_th.kvtml
- German - os humeralis (arm) - o_oberarm.kvtml
- German - os humeralis (arm), theoretical aspects - o_oberarm_th.kvtml
- German - the shoulder - o_schulter.kvtml
- German - the spine - o_wirbelsaeule.kvtml
- German - general information on muscles - m_allgemein.kvtml
- German - types of contraction - m_kontrakt.kvtml
- German - muscle types - m_typen.kvtml
- German - the stomach - m_bauch.kvtml
- German - the stomach, theoretical aspects - m_bauch_th.kvtml
- German - the breast - m_brust.kvtml
- German - the breast, theoretical aspects - m_brust_th.kvtml
- German - the chest - m_brustkorb.kvtml
- German - the chest, theoretical aspects - m_brustkorb_th.kvtml
- German - erector spinae - m_erectorspinae.kvtml
- German - erector spinae, theoretical aspects - m_erectorspinae_th.kvtml
- German - shoulder belt - m_schulterguertel.kvtml
- German - general information on the ligamenti - lig_allg.kvtml
- German - ligamenti humerale (arm) - lig_oberarm.kvtml
- German - the spine's ligamenti - lig_wirbelsaeule.kvtml
- German - Latin expressions - mi_begriffe.kvtml, eases learning if you know what the latin expressions mean
- German - the shock - mi_schock.kvtml
- German - Injuries and their names - mi_verletzungen.kvtml
- German - brain injuries - mi_verletzungen hirn.kvtml
Key: a: articulare (joints) ; m: musculi (muscles) ; o: os (bones) ; mi: misc. ; _th: theory
- Guitar tuning standard fretboard - guitar-fretboard-standard-tuning.kvtml, Learn which six notes appear on a particular fret for a guitar in standard tuning. Helps to increase sight-reading speed.
Muzika teorio
- all keys signatures - key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml, Learn to recognise which key a piece of music is written in by examining how many sharps or flats appear in the key signature.
- keys signatures: major keys - key-signatures-major-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys.
- keys signatures: major keys flat - key-signatures-major-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with flats in the key signature.
- keys signatures: major keys sharp - key-signatures-major-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with sharps in the signature.
- keys signatures: minor keys - key-signatures-minor-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys
- keys signatures: minor keys flat - key-signatures-minor-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with flats in the key signature.
- keys signatures: minor keys sharp - key-signatures-minor-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with sharps in the key signature.
- keys signatures: relative major and-minor keys - relative-major-and-minor-keys.kvtml, Each major key shares the same notes as one particular minor key. Only the starting note diffs. Each major key is said to have a "relative minor". In reverse, each minor key is said to have a "relative major".
Note: the key-signatures-all-keys file has been broken into -major and -minor, then those halves have been separated into -sharps and -flats since it is easier to learn those smaller chunks than to try to get everything in one go
- German - List of the roman emperors from Augustus till the constitution of the tetrachy in 284 a.c. - Kaiser.kvtml
- List of the different capitals of USA states from the beginning to now - uS Historical Capitals (advanced).kvtml
- Inventors and their inventions - English - inventors.kvtml
- World capitals - English - world_capitals.kvtml
- World capitals - German - world_capitals-de.kvtml
- World capitals - Dutch - world_capitals-nl.kvtml
- World capitals - Italian - capitali_del_mondo.kvtml
- European capitals in German - european_capitals.kvtml
- French departments - departements.kvtml, Learn the French departments - Apprenez les départements français
- Learn to name the numbers in English (easy) - numbers (easy).kvtml
- Learn to name the numbers in English (hard) - numbers (advanced).kvtml
- Chemical elements of the periodic table in English - periodic table.kvtml
- Amino acids in English - aminos.kvtml, 2 lessons: Amino Acid One letter Abbreviations and General R Group
- GRE preparation - gretools.kvtml, Published by GRETools.
- SAT preparation - SAT.kvtml, Published by
- German - SRC preparation - src_exam.kvtml, Exam questions for German Short Range Certificate, see
- English/Spanish - ASE (Nationaly Institute of Automotive Service Excellence) exam topics - A1_Engine_Repair.kvtml, A4_Steering_and_Suspension.kvtml, A5_Brakes.kvtml, A6_Electrical_Electronic_Systems.kvtml, Words from: