Calligra Sheets
Calligra Sheets es una herramienta de hojas de cálculo completa. Puede utilizarla para crear y calcular rápidamente varias hojas de cálculo relacionadas con la empresa, como por ejemplo ingresos y gastos, horas de trabajo de los empleados, etc.
- Usa formas para tomar notas o crear mapas mentales
- Dispone de una amplia gama de plantillas predefinidas
- Dispone de una lista de fórmulas potente y completa
- Funciona en un entorno familiar
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4.0.1 2024-09-03
This release add flatpak support to the Calligra Office suite.
4.0.0 2024-08-27
The most significant changes are that Calligra has been fully transitioned to Qt6 and KF6, along with a major overhaul of its user interface.
As part of the Qt6 port, Sheets lost its scripting system based on the unmaintained Kross framework. Visually a noticable change is that the cell editor moved from a docker positioned on the left of the spreadsheet view by default to a normal widget on the top. This takes a lot less space which can be used by the spreadsheet.