Aplicación escrita en C++/Qt que le permite traducir y leer texto usando Mozhi.
- Múltiples motores de traducción proporcionados por Mozhi (algunas instancias pueden desactivar determinados motores)*
- Traducir y leer texto de la pantalla o seleccionado
- Atajos de teclado altamente personalizables
- Interfaz de la línea de órdenes con abundantes opciones
- API de D-Bus
- Disponible para Linux y Windows
*Aunque Mozhi actúa como un proxy para proteger su privacidad, los servicios de terceras partes que usa pueden almacenar y analizar el texto que se envía.
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Lanzamientos RSS
3.1.0 2024-10-24
- Automate fastest Mozhi instance selection.
- Automatically assign the fastest instance on the first startup instead of selecting it randomly.
- CLI: By default, use the instance from settings.
- CLI: Verify language codes.
- CLI: Do not print empty translations on error.
- CLI: The --help command returns exit code 1.
- Fix language codes for Persian and Chinese Simplified.
- Fix loading of Qt translations.
3.0.0 2024-09-04
- Migrate from direct API calls to Mozhi. If you experience slow translation speeds, try selecting a closer instance in the settings.
- Change short option for --speak-translation to -r.
- Change short option for --speak-source to -o.
- Remove flags from languages.
- Fix autotranslate checkbox overlap.
- Change application ID to org.kde.CrowTranslate.
- Disable "Start minimized" by default.
- Use icons that are compatible with Adwaita.
- Use Breeze icons as fallback.
- Remove updater functionality for Windows.
2.11.1 2024-01-04
- Enable new LibreTranslate langs.
- Require Qt5X11Extras on Linux.
- Add and remove old, non-existed, broken Libre and Lingva instances.
- Improve accessibility for screen readers.
2.11.0 2023-10-14
- Remove spaces in settings paths. Everywhere instead of "Crow Translate" now "crow-translate".
- Use lingva.garudalinux.org by default for Lingva engine.
2.10.10 2023-08-02
- Fix selection translation on Windows.
2.10.9 2023-08-02
- Fix selection translation regression.
2.10.8 2023-08-01
- Fix selection translation on Wayland.
2.10.7 2023-07-13
- Fix settings in portable mode.
2.10.6 2023-06-29
- Fix screen capture DPI.
- Do not apply smoothing to the magnifier's image.
- Read settings from application directory when building in portable mode.
- Add missing Basque localization.
- Use correct flags for Cantonese, Chinese (Traditional), and Uighur.
2.10.5 2023-05-18
- Fix Yandex translation due to API changes.
2.10.4 2023-04-16
- Added OCR actions to desktop file.
- Autoselect source text when showing main window.
- Fixed an issue where the TTS engine would sometimes pronounce the space as "percent twenty".
2.10.3 2023-01-25
- Add examples support for Lingva.
- Parse all examples for Google.
2.10.2 2023-01-18
- Add transliterations and type of speeches for Lingva.
- Fix Bing translation.
2.10.1 2022-10-24
- Remove Network category from desktop file.
2.10.0 2022-09-05
- Add an option to select regional voice for Google.
2.9.12 2022-08-12
- Use the correct approach to remove invalid symbols from translations.
2.9.11 2022-08-11
- Fix regression in translation formatting.
2.9.10 2022-08-07
- Fix popup window not displaying text if text contains UTF-8 special characters.
2.9.9 2022-08-06
- Add missing Basque and Finnish localizations.
- Respect URL settings in CLI.
2.9.8 2022-05-16
- Bundle application icons only for Windows.
- Make XDG dialogs modal on Wayland.
2.9.7 2022-05-14
- Autostart support via xdg-desktop-portal.
- Close settings window after all settings applied.
- Retrieve parent window ID for XDG desktop portal dialogs.
2.9.6 2022-05-12
- Fix icons fallback on GNOME.
2.9.5 2022-05-11
- Remove "The application is already running" dialog.
Instalador nocturno
Los instaladores nocturnos de Crow Translate también se pueden descargar de la KDE CDN. Estas versiones están destinadas a hacer pruebas. Implíquese y ayúdenos a hacerlas mejores .
Versión inestable.
Generada a partir de la última versión de la rama de desarrollo.