Información adicional
Since Kig can import and use third-party macros as built-in objects, it can have new objects, being more and more powerful.
You can extend Kig with macros written in Python. Please look at the Kig Python Scripting API Documentation.
También puedes descargar e importar estas macros:
cirkel: A circle BTP constructed using the circle BCP
ConicByLocus: A conic constructed as a locus
ConicCenter: The center of a conic
LineConicMainAxis: The main axis of a conic
LineConicSecondAxis: The secondary axis of a conic
Translatie: Mirror a point using the translation
Baricenter - Circumcenter - Gauss Segment - Incenter - Inscribed circle - Ortocenter:
- Baricenter of a triangle, given the vertices
- Circumcenter of a triangle, given the vertices
- Gauss Segment of a triangle, given the vertices
- Incenter of a triangle, given the vertices
- Inscribed circle on a triangle, given the vertices
- Ortocenter of a triangle, given the vertices
star5 - star5b: Two different ways to construct a star
TropicalLine1pt - TropicalLine2pt - TropicalLineLineIntersection - TropicalConic:
- A tropical line constructed using its centre point
- The stable tropical line passing through two points
- The stable intersection of two tropical lines, to select a tropical line, select its centre point
- Stable Conic Passing through 5 points
These macros require a Kig version with the Python script.
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Instalador nocturno
Los instaladores nocturnos de Kig también se pueden descargar de la KDE CDN. Estas versiones están destinadas a hacer pruebas. Implíquese y ayúdenos a hacerlas mejores .
Versión inestable.
Generada a partir de la última versión de la rama de desarrollo.