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KShisen-ean jolastea
KShisen «Mahjong»eko fitxa-multzo estandarra erabiltzen duen bakar-joko antzeko joko bat da. Dena den, «Mahjong»ek ez bezela, KShisen-ek fitxa nahasien geruza bakarra du.
Non instalatu,
Botoi hau Discover(r)ekin eta beste AppStream aplikazio biltegiekin bakarrik dabil. Banatzailearen pakete kudeatzailea ere erabil dezakezu.
Eskuratu Snap biltegitik

Nola jokatu

Objective: Remove all the tiles from the game board within the shortest time possible.

KShisen will load a default layout automatically once you start the game and you can start playing right away.

You should carefully study the tiles laid out on the game board and find two tiles matching exactly. When you have found such a pair use your mouse to select them.

Once you select a matching pair of tiles they will vanish from the game board. However, even if the tiles you select appear as open they will only be removed from the board if they can be connected with a line having at most two bends and not crossing any other tiles (the line can not be diagonal).

Find as many matches as possible to remove all the tiles from the game board.

Argitalpenak RSS

1.11.24123 2025-03-06
1.11.24122 2025-02-06
1.11.24121 2025-01-09
1.11.24120 2024-12-12
1.11.24083 2024-11-07
1.11.24082 2024-10-10
1.11.24081 2024-09-12
1.11.24080 2024-08-22
1.11.24052 2024-07-04
1.11.24051 2024-06-13
1.11.24050 2024-05-23
1.11.24022 2024-04-11
1.11.24021 2024-03-21
1.11.24020 2024-02-28
1.11.23085 2024-02-15

Nightly installers

KShisen nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!

Bertsio ezegonkorra.

Garapen adarreko azken bertsiotik sortua.