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Kategoriak:   Jokoak
KsirK(e)ren pantaila-argazkia

KsirkK, Risk mahai gaineko estrategia joko ezagunaren ordenagailurako bertsioa da. Jokoaren helburua, zure armadekin zure bizilagunei eraso eginez mundua konkistatzea besterik ez da.


  • 1-6 giza edo ordenagailu (AA) jokalari onartzen ditu
  • Jokalari anitzeko jokoak sare bidez
  • Azal berriak erraz sor ditzakezu SVG grafikoekin eta azal editorearekin
  • Berrikuntzak eskuratzeko euskarria. Azal berriak erraz zama-jaitsi eta instala ditzakezu
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Nola jokatu

When you start KsirK, press New Game to start a new game you will see a dialog in which you need to choose the skin (map and countries) to use, how much players there will be and if they are played by the computers. You will also be able to start a network game if needed. Finally, you can choose the type of game: conquer the world or reach a specific goal like e.g. conquer Africa and Asia continents.

Then you will choose the nationality and name of local players. At the beginning of the game, countries are distributed to all the players. Each country contain one army (represented by an infantryman in the default skin) at this moment. Each player has some armies to distribute to his countries. Note that five armies are represented by a cavalryman and 10 by a cannon.

On each turn, each player can attack his neighbours, eventually conquering one or more countries. At the end of each turn, some bonus armies are distributed to the players in function of the number of countries they own.

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