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24.12.3 2025-03-06
24.12.2 2025-02-06
24.12.1 2025-01-09
24.12.0 2024-12-12
24.08.3 2024-11-07
24.08.2 2024-10-10
24.08.1 2024-09-12
24.08.0 2024-08-22
24.05.2 2024-07-04
24.05.1 2024-06-13
24.05.0 2024-05-23
24.02.2 2024-04-11
24.02.1 2024-03-21
24.02.0 2024-02-28
23.08.5 2024-02-15
23.08.4 2023-12-07
23.08.3 2023-11-09
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23.08.1 2023-09-14
23.08.0 2023-08-24
23.04.3 2023-07-06
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23.04.0 2023-04-20
23.01 2023-01-30
22.11 2022-11-30
22.09 2022-09-27
22.06 2022-06-24
  • Fix bar and tilde toolbar buttons not working
  • General user interface improvements
22.04 2022-04-26
22.02 2022-02-09
  • Fix support for modifier keys like Alt and Ctrl
  • Code refactoring and general user interface improvements
21.12 2021-12-07
  • Fit more action buttons in toolbar
  • Rework toolbar layouts and add tab support
  • Add confirmation dialog for closing tab
21.08 2021-08-31
21.07 2021-07-20
21.06 2021-06-10

Plasma Mobile Gear 21.06

  • buildsystem: search for qmltermwidget