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Fichiers de vocabulaire

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  • Vous pouvez créer un fichier de vocabulaire en utilisant KWordQuiz. Vous ajoutez l'arrière et l'avant de chaque carte, puis vous enregistrez vos données.
  • Vous pouvez aussi utiliser Parley. Parley propose une multitude de possibilités d'édition.
  • Veuillez consulter ceci pour un exemple de fichier de vocabulaire si vous souhaitez en créer un avec un éditeur.


Vocabulaire / Langues
Préparation d'examens


Vocabulaire / Langues
Anatomie / Physiologie

Key: a: articulare (joints) ; m: musculi (muscles) ; o: os (bones) ; mi: misc. ; _th: theory

  • Guitar tuning standard fretboard - guitar-fretboard-standard-tuning.kvtml, Learn which six notes appear on a particular fret for a guitar in standard tuning. Helps to increase sight-reading speed.
Théorie musicale
  • all keys signatures - key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml, Learn to recognise which key a piece of music is written in by examining how many sharps or flats appear in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: major keys - key-signatures-major-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys.
  • keys signatures: major keys flat - key-signatures-major-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with flats in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: major keys sharp - key-signatures-major-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with sharps in the signature.
  • keys signatures: minor keys - key-signatures-minor-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys
  • keys signatures: minor keys flat - key-signatures-minor-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with flats in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: minor keys sharp - key-signatures-minor-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with sharps in the key signature.
  • keys signatures: relative major and-minor keys - relative-major-and-minor-keys.kvtml, Each major key shares the same notes as one particular minor key. Only the starting note diffs. Each major key is said to have a "relative minor". In reverse, each minor key is said to have a "relative major".

Note: the key-signatures-all-keys file has been broken into -major and -minor, then those halves have been separated into -sharps and -flats since it is easier to learn those smaller chunks than to try to get everything in one go

  • Chemical elements of the periodic table in English - periodic table.kvtml
  • Amino acids in English - aminos.kvtml, 2 lessons: Amino Acid One letter Abbreviations and General R Group
Préparation d'examens