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Categories:   Xogos Other platforms:   Android
Screenshot of KTuberling
KTuberling é un simple xogo de construción axeitado tanto para nenos como para adultos. A idea do xogo está baseada nun concepto de construción de bonecos que foi popular no pasado.
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How to play

KTuberling is a game intended for small children. Of course, it may be suitable for adults who have remained young at heart.

It is a "potato editor". That means that you can drag and drop eyes, mouths, mustache, and other parts of face and goodies onto a potato-like guy. Similarly, you have other playgrounds with different themes.

There is no winner for the game. The only purpose is to make the funniest faces you can.

KTuberling can also "speak". It will spell out the name of the objects you drag and drop. It will "speak" in a language that you can choose. You can even use it to learn a bit of vocabulary in foreign languages.

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