A NeoChat egy olyan csevegőalkalmazás, amellyel teljes mértékben kihasználhatja a Matrix hálózatot. Biztonságos módot biztosít szöveges üzenetek, videók és hangfájlok küldéséhez családtagjainak, kollégáinak és barátainak.
A NeoChat célja, hogy a Matrix specifikációnak megfelelő teljes funkcionalitású alkalmazás legyen. Mint ilyen, a jelenlegi stabil specifikáció támogatott a VoIP, a szálak és a végpontok közötti titkosítás egyes elemeinek kivételével. Van még néhány kisebb hiányosság annak köszönhetően, hogy a Matrix specifikáció folyamatosan fejlődik, de végső cél a teljes specifikáció megvalósítása.
A Matrix specifikáció fejlesztésének jellegéből adódóan a NeoChat számos instabil funkciót is támogat. Jelenleg a következőket:
- Szavazások - MSC3381
- Matricacsomagok - MSC2545
- Események helyadatai - MSC3488
Kiadások RSS
24.02.0 2024-02-28
In the newest version, when launching the app, you will get a welcome page that lets you choose which account you want to use and lets you log in to other accounts. The welcome screen will also warn you when NeoChat cannot load an account.
NeoChat will also let you register a new account directly from the app itself. Deactivating your Matrix account is also possible from within NeoChat.
Spaces are a relatively new feature of Matrix that let you group chat channels together. This is used to improve the discoverability of rooms, manage large communities, or just tidy all the channels you are in. You can now do all this without leaving NeoChat.
NeoChat won't let you miss any new notifications anymore. We added a new page that includes all your recent notifications and when NeoChat is closed, you will still be able to receive push notifications. The main timeline will let you know when more messages are loading and when you reach the end of it.
More NeoChat Goodies
- QR Codes to share contacts
- Improved room upgrades
- Added button to reject invitation and ignore user
- Display device security details
- Added room security settings
23.08.0 2023-08-24
23.04.0 2023-04-20
NeoChat improves its design with tweaks that provide a more compact layout and a simpler menu which works better for the collapsed room list.
We have also improved the video controls, added a new command /knock <room-id> to send a knock event to a room, and you can now edit a prior message inline, within the chat pane.
Other usability improvements include an overhaul of the keyboard navigation and shortcuts like Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn that allow you to skip from room to room.
Windows - win64 (58.03 MB)
23.01 2023-01-30
New features and bugfixes:
- Notifications will now be shown for all accounts, not just the active one
- There is a new "compact" mode for the room list
- You can now search in the room history
- Emojis and Reactions have been significantly improved
- Fixed several crashes around user invitations
- Room permission settings can now be configured
22.06 2022-06-24
This release brings you various small bugfixes and improvements:
- Sending of typing notifications can now be disabled.
- In the room list, the scrollbar will now disappear correctly when it is not needed.
- On wayland, NeoChat will now raise correctly when clicking on a notification.
- Several bugs have been fixed that would sometimes cause messages containing markdown and/or HTML elements to be sent incorrectly.
- The quick switcher can now be controlled using the mouse.
- There is now an option to disable automatic room sidebar opening when resizing the window.
- Creation of custom emojis has been fixed.
- Editing or replying to the last message using the keyboard shortcuts now works correctly.
- When switching between rooms using the keyboard, the switching direction is now correct.
22.04 2022-04-26
22.02 2022-02-09
NeoChat 22.02 focus on stability and adds a few quality of life improvements
- Add support for minimizing to system tray on startup
- Improved internet connectivity check
- Add support for sharing images and files with other apps (Nextcloud, Imgur, ...)
- Implement adding labels for account. This allow for an easier organization when using multiple accounts.
- Redesign of our config dialogs to follow the new Plasma System Settings style
- Fix various others issues and small feature requests. Decreasing the total amount of open issues by 20%.
21.12 2021-12-07
NeoChat 21.12 brings lots of new features and fixes
- Solved various problems related to login, logout and account switching
- Fixed a few problems in the timeline layout
- Added Spell checking while writing a message
- Improved Settings pages
- Many improvements to the android and general mobile support
- Show blurhashes while images load
- Support showing custom emojis
- Added a global menu
- Added support for spoilers
- Added a quick switcher to switch between rooms
- Added support for an optional fancy blur background effect
- Resizable left and right drawers
- Added Syntax highlighting in raw json messages
- Better wayland support
- Improved file reception and download
1.2.0 2021-06-01
NeoChat 1.2 brings a major redesign of the user interface. The chat page is now using bubbles for the messages and the input component was completely rewritten with a nicer look as well.
It's now possible to send custom reactions by replying to a comment with /react <message>.
NeoChat now supports opening Matrix URIs from your browser.
1.1.0 2021-02-22
Probably the highlight of this release is the completely new login page. It detects the server configuration based on your Matrix Id. This allows you to login to servers requiring Single Sign On (SSO) (like the Mozilla or the incoming Fedora Matrix instance).
Servers that require agreeing to the TOS before usage are correctly detected now and redirect to their TOS webpage, allowing the user to agree to them instead of silently failing to load the account.
It is now possible to open a room into a new window. This allows you to view and interact with multiple rooms at the same time.
We added a few commands to NeoChat (/shrug, /lenny, /join, /ignore, ...).
We improved the Plasma integration a bit. Now the number of unread messages is displayed in the Plasma Taskbar.
1.0.1 2021-01-13
This version fixes several bugs.
- NeoChat doesn't require a .well-know configuration in the server to work.
- Edited messages won't show up duplicated anymore.
- Various graphic glitches have been fixed.
- NeoChat now ask for consent to terms and conditions if required instead of displaying nothing.
- Users avatar in the room list are now displayed correctly.
- Fix image saving
1.0 2020-12-23
Nightly installers
NeoChat nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!
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