liquidshell es un alternative a plasmashell
Il nonusa QtQuick ma in loco es basate sur QtWidgets, ergo necun accelation graphic hardware es necessari.
Characteristicas principal:
- Tapetes de papiro per scriptorio virtual
- Nulle animation, nulle monopolisation de CPU, basse impression de Memoria
- Comenciamento immediate
- Nulle uso de activitates
- Basete sur QtWidgets, ergo seque le stilo de widget ab systemsettings
- Icones es usate ex tu thema de icone definite globalmente ab systemsettings
- Colores es usate ex tu thema de color definite globalmente ab systemsettings
- Pote additionalmente, haber stilos proprie definite con css per passar le option de linea de commando -stylesheet nomine-de-file.css (vide exempo includite stylesheet.css)
- usa dialogos de KDE existente per le major parte del configurationes, p.ex. StartMenu (menu de initio), Scriptorios Virtual, Bluetooth,Rete
- Un pannello de scriptorio a basso
- Applets de Scriptorio
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1.9 2023-07-25
- Added install options (sleep/shutdown after install)
- Improved EULA handling on package installation
- Added long format of time and date display to calendar popup
- Create default folder for storing quicklaunch apps
- SysLoad widget width depends on CPU count
- Bugfixes and adjustments to newer KDE components
1.8.1 2022-07-26
Bugfixes and adjustments to newer KDE components
1.8 2021-12-01
- Notifications show how long they remain open (small animation)
- Weather Applet shows moon phase
- Disk Usage Applet watches for mount/unmount to react quicker for update
- Display improvements in software updates component
- Added DBUS-Menu support (some apps don't provide own menu but only via DBUS, e.g. MS teams)