Cara bermain
Objective: Reassemble molecules from compound atoms by sliding them around.
Katomic akan memuat level satu ketika kamu mulai permainannya dan kamu bisa langsung main.
To see how the molecule you are supposed to make looks like, take a look at the upper right corner. To play - click on an atom. You will see green arrows pointing in the directions where atom can move. To move the atom, click on the desired arrow. When an atom starts moving, it will not stop until it hits another atom or a wall, so make sure you think before you do your next move.
You can assemble your molecule wherever you like on the game board, but some places are easier to access than others. When the molecule is assembled, you can move to the next level.
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Nightly installers
KAtomic nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!
Versi tidak stabil.
Dibuat dari ranting pengembangan versi terkini.