Cara bermain
Objective: Use laser beams to deduce the placement of the atomic particles inside the black box.
Using lasers and placing balls and markers deduce the position of the hidden atoms inside the black box.
The cursor can be moved around the box with the standard cursor movement keys or the mouse. Switching of lasers or marking of black boxes is done with the Left Mouse Button, or by pressing the Return or Enter key.
Kamu juga bisa tarik dan lepaskan bola-bolanya dan penandanya dengan tetikus.
You can mark the fields where you think a ball cannot be, too. Just press the Right Mouse Button. It often helps you to find an area where a ball could possibly be. To clear any marks, press the same key or mouse button again.
Ketika kamu sudah yakin bahwa peletakan bolanya benar, tekan tombol "Selesai!". Kamu akan diberitahu apa kamu benar atau tidak, dan akan memberikan skormu.
Jika kamu menaruh bola apa pun dengan salah, solusi yang benar akan ditampilkan.
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Nightly installers
KBlackbox nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!
Versi tidak stabil.
Dibuat dari ranting pengembangan versi terkini.