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Naval Battle

Kategori:   Permainan
Tangkapan Layar Naval Battle
Naval Battle adalah permainan kapal selam. Kapal ditempatkan di papan yang mewakili laut. Pemain mencoba untuk saling memukul kapal secara bergantian tanpa mengetahui di mana mereka ditempatkan. Pemain pertama yang menghancurkan semua kapal memenangkan permainan.
Instal di
This button only works with Discover and other AppStream application stores. You can also use your distribution’s package manager.
Dapatkan dari Snap Store

Cara bermain

Objective: Sink all of the opponent’s ships before the opponent sink all the ships of your own.

If you want to play Naval Battle, you will need two players, either play against the computer or in a network against another player. To play against your computer, first select the difficulty level on the right of the status bar, and then select Single player on the welcome screen, or directly on the Game menu.

To start a network game, one player has to host the game by selecting Host network game on the welcome screen, or choosing Game->Host Game.... A dialog box opens which asks for a Nickname: and Port:. Normally, Naval Battle will suggest your full name, but you can enter any string you want. The predefined port should be ok. However, if you encounter problems, you can choose any other free port above 1024.

Catatan: Kamu harus memberitahu pemain lain jika kamu menggunakan port yang lain dari port baku karena para pemain harus menggunakan port yang sama untuk bisa melakukan sebuah koneksi.

The other player has to choose Connect to network game, or click Game->Connect to Game.... Again, a Nickname: is suggested, but you can choose any name you like. In the field Hostname: you have to enter the host name of the server (the machine of the player that initiated the game).

When you are done, you can start the game. Simply follow the instructions in the statusbar. It will issue hints and suggest what to do next. When you now look at the screen, you will find two grid fields, the so-called "battle areas". The left area belongs to you. This is where you place your ships and where you can follow the military actions of your enemy. The right area is where your enemy's fleet is located. When it's your turn to fire, you need to click on a certain sector (a field of the battle area) where you suppose the ships to be located.

Pertama, kamu perlu menempatkan kapal kamu. Pemulai permainan dimulai. Ketika diaselesai, pemain dua mengatur kapalnya.

Ship placement is very easy: simply click on the field where you want to place your ships. You have four ships to place: the first one will have a length of one square, the next will be two squares long etc. Click on the field where you want to start the placement. By default, ships will be placed horizontally; to rotate them 90 degrees, click the Right Mouse Button before the placement.

Ketika sebuah perahu kena, api akan keluar. Untuk menggelamkannya, kenai semua kotak-kotak yang dimiliki. Sebuah perahu yang tenggelam akan terlihat pudar.

Now you can use the Left Mouse Button to fire on the battle area of your enemy. The status bar indicates who is about to shoot.

Kamu bisa memulai ulang permainannya dengan memilih Permainan->Mulai Ulang Permainan, atau dengan menekan F5.

Pemain pertama yang menghancurkan semua perahu lawan menang permainannya.

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