Kategori: PermainanCara bermain
Objective: Remove all the tiles from the game board within the shortest time possible.
KShisen will load a default layout automatically once you start the game and you can start playing right away.
Kamu harus hati-hati mempelajari ubin yang diletakkan di papan permainan dan menemukan dua ubin yang sama persis. Ketika kamu telah menemukan pasangan seperti itu, gunakan tetikusmu untuk memilihnya.
Once you select a matching pair of tiles they will vanish from the game board. However, even if the tiles you select appear as open they will only be removed from the board if they can be connected with a line having at most two bends and not crossing any other tiles (the line can not be diagonal).
Temukan banyak cocokan sebanyak mungkin untuk menghilangkan semua ubin dari papan permainan