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Screenshot of Filelight

Filelight er forrit til að skoða myndrænt diskapláss á tölvunni þinni með því að birta möppur á auðskilinn máta sem hringgeira. Filelight einfaldar að losa um diskpláss!


  • Skannaðu staðværa, fjartengda eða útskiptanlega diska
  • Skoðaðu nákvæmar upplýsingar um skrár og möppur
  • Eyddu skrám eða möppum sem eru að taka of mikið pláss
  • Samþætting inn í Dolphin, Konqueror og Krusader skráastjóra
  • Stillanleg litastef
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This button only works with Discover and other AppStream application stores. You can also use your distribution’s package manager.
Get it from the Snap Store
Get it from Microsoft

Releases RSS

24.12.2 2025-02-06
24.12.1 2025-01-09
24.12.0 2024-12-12
24.08.3 2024-11-07
24.08.2 2024-10-10
24.08.1 2024-09-12
24.08.0 2024-08-22
24.05.2 2024-07-04
24.05.1 2024-06-13
24.05.0 2024-05-23
24.02.2 2024-04-11
24.02.1 2024-03-21
24.02.0 2024-02-28
23.08.5 2024-02-15

Nightly installers

Filelight nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!

Unstable version.

Generated from the latest version of the development branch.