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Aðalgluggi Kid3

Með Kid3 geturðu merkt ýmis lýsigögn inn í hljóðskrár, meðal annars í MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DSF, FLAC, Opus, MPC, APE, MP4/AAC, MP2, Speex, TrueAudio, WavPack, WMA, WAV, AIFF og tracker-rakningarskrár.

Öllum römmum í ID3-merkjum MP3-skráa má breyta, auk þess að mögulegt er að umbreyta á milli ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3 og ID3v2.4 merkja. Hægt er að vinna með samstillta lagatexta; breyta, flytja inn og flytja út í LRC-karíókískrár.

Hægt er að stilla lýsigagnamerki á mörgum skrám í einu. Útbúa má merki sjálfvirkt út frá skráaheitum eða innihaldi annarra merkja, eins er hægt að útbúa skráaheiti og endurnefna möppur út frá merkjum. Sjálfvirk umbreyting milli há-/lágstafa og útskipting í strengjum hjálpa síðan til við að halda samræmi á milli lýsigagnamerkja.

Hægt er að flytja inn upplýsingar um tónlist úr, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon; hægt er að nota magninnflutning fyrir margar möppur í einu. Einnig er hægt að flytja út gögn og útbúa spilunarlista.

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This button only works with Discover and other AppStream application stores. You can also use your distribution's package manager.

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3.9.5 2024-02-24


  • Keyboard shortcuts for play toolbar.
  • Option "Audio output" in "User Actions" settings tab.
  • Support WebP format for pictures.


  • Clicking again on 1 star makes star rating disappear.
  • Support '\|' to escape string list separators.


  • Support multiple values in APE text items.
  • Building with TagLib 2.0.
  • Building from macOS with arm64.
  • Building snap packages.
3.9.4 2023-07-09


  • All the official binaries are built with Qt 6. For macOS, the Darwin-amd64.dmg file is now the Qt 6 version, whereas systems older than Mojave need the package Darwin-Qt5.dmg. The string replacement settings stored by Qt 6 are not compatible with Qt 5 because a different encoding is used.
  • Option "Select file on play" in "User Actions" settings tab.


  • Click on play tool bar time toggles between elapsed and remaining time.
  • The visibility and docked area of the play tool bar are restored.
  • ID3v1: When setting multiple genres, use first supported element.
  • Qt6: Use SVG icons for better performance in file list and dialog.


  • Do not mark all non-unified frames as modified if any non-unified frame is changed.
  • Crash in Id3libMetadata when clicking Edit on unsupported frame.
  • Setting text encoding on TXXX frames with TaglibMetadata.
  • Skip non letter characters for first letter uppercase format.
  • Discogs import: Fix values in Artist, Arranger and Performer frames, use "genres" if "styles" is empty, fetch correct cover art, support vinyl track numbers like A1.
  • Qt6: Crash when adding item to config table.
  • Qt6: Larger media player slider, do not repeat when last song has been played.
  • Windows, TaglibMetadata: Support files larger than 2 GB.
  • Windows, OggFlacMetadata: Build without libssp-0.dll.
  • Windows, Mp4v2Metadata: Fix saving with file names containing non ASCII characters.
3.9.3 2023-01-12
3.9.2 2022-08-06
3.9.1 2022-01-15
3.9.0 2021-12-18
3.8.7 2021-06-20
3.8.6 2021-03-18
3.8.5 2021-01-31
3.8.4 2020-09-26
3.8.3 2020-05-10
3.8.2 2020-01-23
3.8.1 2019-12-23

Nightly installers

Kid3 nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!

Unstable version.

Generated from the latest version of the development branch.