Applicazione scritta in C++ / Qt che consente di tradurre e pronunciare testi utilizzando Mozhi.
- Molteplici motori di traduzione forniti da Mozhi (alcune istanze possono disabilitare motori specifici)*
- Traduci e pronuncia il testo dallo schermo o dalla selezione
- Scorciatoie altamente personalizzabili
- Interfaccia a riga di comando con opzioni avanzate
- D-Bus API
- Disponibile per Linux e Windows
*Sebbene Mozhi agisca come proxy per proteggere la tua riservatezza, i servizi di terze parti che utilizza potrebbero memorizzare e analizzare il testo che invii.
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3.1.0 2024-10-24
- Automate fastest Mozhi instance selection.
- Automatically assign the fastest instance on the first startup instead of selecting it randomly.
- CLI: By default, use the instance from settings.
- CLI: Verify language codes.
- CLI: Do not print empty translations on error.
- CLI: The --help command returns exit code 1.
- Fix language codes for Persian and Chinese Simplified.
- Fix loading of Qt translations.
3.0.0 2024-09-04
- Migrate from direct API calls to Mozhi. If you experience slow translation speeds, try selecting a closer instance in the settings.
- Change short option for --speak-translation to -r.
- Change short option for --speak-source to -o.
- Remove flags from languages.
- Fix autotranslate checkbox overlap.
- Change application ID to org.kde.CrowTranslate.
- Disable "Start minimized" by default.
- Use icons that are compatible with Adwaita.
- Use Breeze icons as fallback.
- Remove updater functionality for Windows.
2.11.1 2024-01-04
- Enable new LibreTranslate langs.
- Require Qt5X11Extras on Linux.
- Add and remove old, non-existed, broken Libre and Lingva instances.
- Improve accessibility for screen readers.
2.11.0 2023-10-14
- Remove spaces in settings paths. Everywhere instead of "Crow Translate" now "crow-translate".
- Use lingva.garudalinux.org by default for Lingva engine.
2.10.10 2023-08-02
- Fix selection translation on Windows.
2.10.9 2023-08-02
- Fix selection translation regression.
2.10.8 2023-08-01
- Fix selection translation on Wayland.
2.10.7 2023-07-13
- Fix settings in portable mode.
2.10.6 2023-06-29
- Fix screen capture DPI.
- Do not apply smoothing to the magnifier's image.
- Read settings from application directory when building in portable mode.
- Add missing Basque localization.
- Use correct flags for Cantonese, Chinese (Traditional), and Uighur.
2.10.5 2023-05-18
- Fix Yandex translation due to API changes.
2.10.4 2023-04-16
- Added OCR actions to desktop file.
- Autoselect source text when showing main window.
- Fixed an issue where the TTS engine would sometimes pronounce the space as "percent twenty".
2.10.3 2023-01-25
- Add examples support for Lingva.
- Parse all examples for Google.
2.10.2 2023-01-18
- Add transliterations and type of speeches for Lingva.
- Fix Bing translation.
2.10.1 2022-10-24
- Remove Network category from desktop file.
2.10.0 2022-09-05
- Add an option to select regional voice for Google.
2.9.12 2022-08-12
- Use the correct approach to remove invalid symbols from translations.
2.9.11 2022-08-11
- Fix regression in translation formatting.
2.9.10 2022-08-07
- Fix popup window not displaying text if text contains UTF-8 special characters.
2.9.9 2022-08-06
- Add missing Basque and Finnish localizations.
- Respect URL settings in CLI.
2.9.8 2022-05-16
- Bundle application icons only for Windows.
- Make XDG dialogs modal on Wayland.
2.9.7 2022-05-14
- Autostart support via xdg-desktop-portal.
- Close settings window after all settings applied.
- Retrieve parent window ID for XDG desktop portal dialogs.
2.9.6 2022-05-12
- Fix icons fallback on GNOME.
2.9.5 2022-05-11
- Remove "The application is already running" dialog.
Installatori della versione nightly
Gli installatori della versione nightly di Crow Translate sono disponibili anche per lo scaricamento da KDE CDN. Queste versioni sono destinate a scopi di test. Partecipa e aiutaci a renderli migliori!
Versione non stabile.
Generato dall'ultima versione del ramo di sviluppo.