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Playing music in Amarok 3.0
Amarok으로 음악 재생
Amarok 창

Amarok is a free, cross-platform, versatile, powerful and feature-rich music player and collection manager.


  • Dynamic playlists matching different criteria
  • Collection managing with rating support
  • Support for basic iPod, MTP and UMS music player devices
  • Integrated Internet services: last.fm, Magnatune, Ampache and more.
  • Scripting support
  • Cover manager
  • Replay gain support
이 단추는 Discover 및 다른 AppStream 앱 스토어가 설치되어 있어야 작동합니다. 배포판 패키지 관리자로도 설치할 수 있습니다.

릴리스 RSS

3.0.81 2024-07-18
3.0.1 2024-06-02
3.0.0 2024-04-29
2.9.71 2021-01-31
2.9.0 2018-03-07