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Blogilo 스크린샷

Blogilo is a blogging client by KDE, which supports various blogging APIs.


  • A full featured WYSIWYG editor + An HTML editor
  • Previewing your post with your blog style
  • Support for Blogger1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType (Wordpress supports All of these!) and Google GData (used on Blogspot.com blogs) APIs
  • Support for Creating/Modifying/Deleting posts.
  • Support for creating drafts and scheduled posts
  • Support for uploading media files to your blog (Just on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType)
  • Support for Fetching your recent blog entries.
  • Support for adding Images to post from your system. It will upload them on Submitting post to blog (Just on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType)
  • Support for saving local entries before publishing.
  • Saving your writing copy to prevent data loss, at configurable intervals.
  • Internal auto spell checker. (KDE spell checker used so most of languages are supported)
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