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Kollision 스크린샷
Kollision은 내 공을 던지고 테이블에 있는 다른 공을 최대한 오래 피하는 게임입니다.
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Snap 스토어에서 다운로드

플레이 방법

Click on the empty field to start a game: a blue ball immediately replaces your mouse cursor, and a number of red balls start to fade into the field.

When the red balls finish materializing, they move at a random speed in a random direction, and you have to promptly dodge them moving the blue ball inside the field with your mouse. After some time, other red balls will appear, fading in as before and then starting to move. Be prepared to avoid them, too.

릴리스 RSS

0.3.24080 2024-08-22
0.3.24052 2024-07-04
0.3.24051 2024-06-13
0.3.24050 2024-05-23
0.3.24022 2024-04-11
0.3.24021 2024-03-21
0.3.24020 2024-02-28
0.3.23085 2024-02-15