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이 앱은 더 이상 관리되지 않으며 KDE 커뮤니티에서 더 이상 릴리스하지 않습니다.

Kst is the fastest real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool available (you may be interested in some benchmarks) and has built-in data analysis functionality.


  • Robust plotting of live "streaming" data
  • Powerful keyboard and mouse plot manipulation
  • Powerful plugins and extensions support
  • Large selection of built-in plotting and data manipulation functions, such as histograms, equations, and power spectra
  • A number of unique tools which dramatically improve efficiency, such as the "Data Wizard" for fast and easy data import, the "Edit Multiple" mode to bulk-edit most objects, or the "Change Data File" tool to compare results from different experiments
  • Color mapping and contour mapping capabilities for three-dimensional data, as well as matrix and image support
  • Monitoring of events and notifications support
  • Built-in filtering and curve fitting capabilities
  • Convenient command-line interface
  • Powerful graphical user interface with non-modal dialogs for an optimized workflow
  • Support for several popular data formats
  • Multiple tabs
  • Extended annotation objects similar to vector graphics applications
  • High-quality export to bitmap or vector formats
  • Fully scriptable in python (Beta available under Linux)
이 단추는 Discover 및 다른 AppStream 앱 스토어가 설치되어 있어야 작동합니다. 배포판 패키지 관리자로도 설치할 수 있습니다.