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LSkat 스크린샷
스카트 중사(독일어 "Offiziersskat"에서 따 옴)는 2인용 카드 게임입니다. 두 번째 플레이어는 사람이나 AI 둘 다가 될 수 있습니다.
이 단추는 Discover 및 다른 AppStream 앱 스토어가 설치되어 있어야 작동합니다. 배포판 패키지 관리자로도 설치할 수 있습니다.

플레이 방법

Objective: Score more than 60 points in a single game.

Once dealing is finished each player ends up with 16 cards each. Cards are displayed in two horizontal rows - four cards per row. Half of the cards are face down and half are face up. As a player you can see the opponent's cards as well as your own. You can make a move then by clicking on any of your cards which are currently face up. The opponent has to reply by choosing a corresponding card form his/her own stack.

Note: If your opponent is artificial intelligence, its cards will be chosen automatically.

Once the exchange is finished values of the played cards are evaluated and either you or your opponent is awarded points. The game is complete in 16 rounds (when all of your and your opponent's cards have been played). After the game ends your score is being compared to that of your opponent and the player with the higher score wins the round.

릴리스 RSS

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