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Merkuro is a calendar and contact application that allows you to manage your tasks, events and contacts. Merkuro supports both local calendars as well as a multitude of online calendars: Nextcloud, Google® Calendar, Outlook®, Caldav, and many more.

Merkuro was built with the idea to be usable on desktop, on mobile and everything in between.

This button only works with Discover and other AppStream application stores. You can also use your distribution’s package manager.

릴리스 RSS

24.08.3 2024-11-07
24.08.2 2024-10-10
24.08.1 2024-09-12
24.08.0 2024-08-22
24.05.1 2024-06-13
24.05.0 2024-05-23
24.02.2 2024-04-11
24.02.1 2024-03-21
24.02.0 2024-02-28
23.08.5 2024-02-15
23.08.4 2023-12-07
23.08.3 2023-11-09
23.08.2 2023-10-12
23.08.1 2023-09-14
23.08.0 2023-08-24
23.04.3 2023-07-06
23.04.2 2023-06-08
23.04.1 2023-05-11
23.04.0 2023-04-20
22.12.3 2023-03-02
22.12.2 2023-02-02
22.12.1 2023-01-05
22.12.0 2022-12-08
22.08.3 2022-11-03
22.08.2 2022-10-13
22.08.1 2022-09-08

확장 기능

Merkuro 메일

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Merkuro 연락처

내 연락처를 빠르고 편하게 관리

Merkuro 캘린더

내 할 일과 이벤트를 빠르고 편하게 관리