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Calligra Sheets

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Screenshot of Calligra Sheets

„Calligra Sheets“ ir iespējām bagāts aprēķinu un izklājlapu rīks. Izmantojiet to, lai ātri izveidotu un aprēķinātu dažādas ar uzņēmējdarbību saistītas izklājlapas, piemēram, ienākumus, izdevumus, darbinieku darba stundas u.c. vajadzībām.


  • Izmantojiet objektus, lai rakstītu piezīmes vai prāta kartes
  • Daudzas iepriekš sagatavotas veidnes
  • Jaudīgs un plašs formulu saraksts
  • Darbs pazīstamā vidē.
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4.0.1 2024-09-03
This release add flatpak support to the Calligra Office suite.
4.0.0 2024-08-27

The most significant changes are that Calligra has been fully transitioned to Qt6 and KF6, along with a major overhaul of its user interface.

As part of the Qt6 port, Sheets lost its scripting system based on the unmaintained Kross framework. Visually a noticable change is that the cell editor moved from a docker positioned on the left of the spreadsheet view by default to a normal widget on the top. This takes a lot less space which can be used by the spreadsheet.