KDevelop is a Free and Open Source integrated development environment (IDE).
It provides editing, navigation and debugging features for several programming languages, as well as integration with multiple build systems and version-control systems, using a plugin-based architecture.
KDevelop has parser backends for C, C++ and Javascript/QML, with further external plugins supporting e.g. PHP or Python.
Releases RSS
KDevelop PHP Support
PHP language support for KDevelop
KDevelop Python Support
Python language support for KDevelop
KUIViewer KPart
„Qt Designer“ UI datņu skatītājs programmām, kas lieto „KParts“
Markdown Viewer KPart
Renderēta „Markdown“ datņu parādīšana programmās, kas izmanto „KParts“
SVG skatītājs „KPart“
SVG datņu renderēta parādīšana programmatūrā, kas izmanto „KParts“
Nightly installers
KDevelop nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!
Unstable version.
Generated from the latest version of the development branch.