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Kategoriar:   Graphics
Geotagging with KGeoTag
KGeoTag is a standalone geotagging program. Images can be associated with geographic coordinates by different means: On the one hand, a matching with GPX encoded geodata can be done, on the other hand, the coordinates can be set manually, either via drag and drop onto a map, via bookmarks or by manually supplying them. The coordinates can be stored in the images' Exif header and/or in XMP sidecar files.
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Versjonar RSS

1.7.0 2024-12-07
1.6.0 2024-10-03
1.5.0 2024-01-02
1.4.0 2023-01-28
1.3.1 2022-09-05
1.2.0 2021-11-12
1.1.0 2021-10-19
1.0.0 2021-03-06