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Skjermbiletet av KMinesveipar
KMinesveipar er eit klassisk minesveiparspel. Målet er å avdekkja alle ruter som ikkje har miner på seg. Treff du derimot på ei rute med ei mine, går mina av og du tapar spelet.
Installer på
Denne knappen verkar berre med Discover og andre AppStream-baserte appbutikkar. Du kan òg bruka pakke­handsamaren i distribusjonen din.
Installer via Snap Store

Korleis spela

Objective: Locate all the mines hidden on the minefield.

To play KMines, you need to use the mouse and its three buttons to uncover or to flag the squares (with two-buttoned mice, clicking the Middle Mouse Button is generally achieved by simultaneously pressing the Left Mouse Button and the Right Mouse Button buttons).

Clicking the Left Mouse Button on your mouse will uncover a square. If there is a mine there, it will detonate, and the game will be over. If there is not a mine under the square, the square is cleared and if there are no other mines nearby, the square will disappear including any nearby squares without mines. If there are mines nearby, a number will appear showing how many neighboring squares contain mines. For each square (excluding edge and corner squares), there are eight neighboring squares.

Note: Left Mouse Button clicking a flagged square is safe and does nothing.

The Right Mouse Button will mark a square as containing a mine (by placing a red flag on it). Clicking the button twice will set it as being uncertain (by placing a question mark on it). The uncertain tag can be useful when you are puzzled about the positions of mines. The Middle Mouse Button will clear the surrounding squares if the right number of squares is already flagged. It is very useful since it is much quicker than uncovering all individual squares. Make sure your flags are correctly placed, if not, you might detonate a mine.

Versjonar RSS

4.0.24123 2025-03-06
4.0.24122 2025-02-06
4.0.24121 2025-01-09
4.0.24120 2024-12-12
4.0.24083 2024-11-07
4.0.24082 2024-10-10
4.0.24081 2024-09-12
4.0.24080 2024-08-22
4.0.24052 2024-07-04
4.0.24051 2024-06-13
4.0.24050 2024-05-23
4.0.24022 2024-04-11
4.0.24021 2024-03-21
4.0.24020 2024-02-28
4.0.23085 2024-02-15

Nightly installers

KMinesveipar nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!

Ustabil versjon.

Laga frå den nyaste versjonen på test- og utviklings­greina.