Krita er ei funksjonsrik digital teiknestove.
Passar perfekt til både teikning og måling, og dekkjer alle ledd i prosessen med å laga digitale måleri frå grunnen av.
Krita er det ideelle valet dersom du vil laga konseptskisser, teikneseriar, teksturar for 3D-rendering eller «matte paintings». Programmet støttar fleire fargerom, både RGB- og CMYK-baserte, med 8- og 16-bits heiltals- eller flyttalskanalar.
Leik deg med avanserte penselmotorar og flotte biletfilter – og mange andre nyttige funksjonar som gjer deg produktiv.
Versjonar RSS
5.1.5 2023-01-05
4.4.0 2020-10-13
4.3.0 2020-06-18
Three months after the release of Krita 4.2.9, we’ve got a major new feature release for you: Krita 4.3.0! We’ve spent the past year not just fixing bugs, even though we fixed over a thousand issues, but have also been busy adding cool new stuff to play with.
There’s a whole new set of brush presets that evoke watercolor painting. There’s a color mode in the gradient map filter and a brand new palletize filter and a high pass filter. The scripting API has been extended. It’s now possible to adjust the opacity and lightness on colored brush tips separately. You can now create animated brush tips that select brush along multiple dimensions. We’ve made it possible to put the canvas area in a window of its own, so on a multi monitor setup, you can have all the controls on one monitor, and your images on the other. The color selector has had a big update. There’s a new snapshot docker that stores states of your image, and you can switch between those. There’s a brand new magnetic selection tool. Gradients can now be painting as spirals.
Nightly installers
Krita nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!
Ustabil versjon.
Laga frå den nyaste versjonen på test- og utviklingsgreina.