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Kategoriar:   Bilete
Skjermbiletet av Peruse
Skjermbiletet av Peruse
Skjermbiletet av Peruse

Creating rich digital comic books has long been something of a chore, or required the use of proprietary formats, but the Advanced Comic Book Format aims to fix this by introducing concepts like frame based navigation to go with the more traditional page based methods, reference information such as character information, location notes, and so on, all contained within the book, as well as embedded typesetting information and rich text overlays so translation can be done without requiring multiple images of the same page. Peruse Creator allows you to create these highly interactive and advanced books in a way which is both easy to use, and powerful.


  • Comic Book Archive (cbz, cbr, cb7, cbt, cba)
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Nightly installers

Peruse nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!

Ustabil versjon.

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