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Kategoriar:   Spel
Skjermbiletet av Skladnik

Skladnik is an implementation of the Japanese warehouse keeper game “sokoban”.

The idea is that you are a warehouse keeper trying to push crates to their proper locations in a warehouse. The problem is that you cannot pull the crates or step over them. If you are not careful, some of the crates can get stuck in wrong places and/or block your way.

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Versjonar RSS

0.5.24081 2024-09-12
0.5.24080 2024-08-22
0.5.24052 2024-07-04
0.5.24051 2024-06-13
0.5.24050 2024-05-23
0.5.2 2024-02-29
0.5.1 2024-01-01
0.5.0 2023-11-20