Additional information
Since Kig can import and use third-party macros as built-in objects, it can have new objects, being more and more powerful.
You can extend Kig with macros written in Python. Please look at the Kig Python Scripting API Documentation.
You can also download and import these macros:
cirkel: A circle BTP constructed using the circle BCP
ConicByLocus: A conic constructed as a locus
ConicCenter: The center of a conic
LineConicMainAxis: The main axis of a conic
LineConicSecondAxis: The secondary axis of a conic
Translatie: Mirror a point using the translation
Baricenter - Circumcenter - Gauss Segment - Incenter - Inscribed circle - Ortocenter:
- Baricenter of a triangle, given the vertices
- Circumcenter of a triangle, given the vertices
- Gauss Segment of a triangle, given the vertices
- Incenter of a triangle, given the vertices
- Inscribed circle on a triangle, given the vertices
- Ortocenter of a triangle, given the vertices
star5 - star5b: Two different ways to construct a star
TropicalLine1pt - TropicalLine2pt - TropicalLineLineIntersection - TropicalConic:
- A tropical line constructed using its centre point
- The stable tropical line passing through two points
- The stable intersection of two tropical lines, to select a tropical line, select its centre point
- Stable Conic Passing through 5 points
These macros require a Kig version with the Python script.
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Nightly installers
Kig nightly installers are also available to download from the KDE CDN. These versions are intended for testing purpose. Get involved and help us make them better!
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