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Категории:   Игры
Окно выбора пасьянса
KPat (или KPatience) — расслабляющая игра на упорядочивание карт. Чтобы выиграть игру, игрок должен расположить колоду карт в определённом порядке.
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Как играть

Objective: Rearrange the cards by suite within shortest time possible.

Essentially there are two types of solitaire games – the ones that let you arrange the cards by same color and the ones that let you arrange the cards by alternating color. You can easily determine which game you are trying out using trial-and-error method. Once you know which one you are dealing with, rest is easy; keep arranging and rearranging the cards, collecting the matching ones.

From the beginning however, pay attention to your card stacks. Do not rush to move individual cards around, see if it might be more useful elsewhere.

For additional help you can also take quick peeks onto the statusbar. For the most of the games there is a built in solver which informs you whether the game you are currently playing can be completed or not. If you see that solver could not complete the current game, chances are you will not be able to do so as well. At this point you can either restart the current game, or start a completely new game.

Note: Playing solitaire games helps you to greatly improve your attention span and enhance the ability to concentrate.

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