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कैलिग्रा शीट्स

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Calligra Sheets इति पूर्णविशेषतायुक्तं गणना-स्प्रेड्शीट्-उपकरणम् अस्ति । तस्य उपयोगं शीघ्रं विविधव्यापारसम्बद्धानि स्प्रेडशीट्-निर्माणार्थं गणनायाश्च कुर्वन्तु, यथा आयव्ययः, कर्मचारीकार्यसमयः इत्यादयः ।


  • टिप्पणीं कर्तुं वा मनःचित्रं ग्रहीतुं आकृतीनां उपयोगं कुर्वन्तु
  • पूर्वनिर्धारितसारूप्यानां विशालपरिधिः
  • शक्तिशाली एवं व्यापक सूत्र सूची
  • परिचिते वातावरणे कार्यं कुर्वन्तु
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24.12.2 2025-02-06
24.12.1 2025-01-09
24.12.0 2024-12-12
4.0.1 2024-09-03
This release add flatpak support to the Calligra Office suite.
4.0.0 2024-08-27

The most significant changes are that Calligra has been fully transitioned to Qt6 and KF6, along with a major overhaul of its user interface.

As part of the Qt6 port, Sheets lost its scripting system based on the unmaintained Kross framework. Visually a noticable change is that the cell editor moved from a docker positioned on the left of the spreadsheet view by default to a normal widget on the top. This takes a lot less space which can be used by the spreadsheet.