Categories:This app is still in development and isn't released yet by the KDE community.

KEXI is a visual database applications builder. It can be used for designing database applications, inserting and editing data, performing queries, and processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All database objects - tables, queries, forms, reports, etc. - are stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design.
- Full visual designers for tables, queries, forms and reports
- Running queries, support for parametrized queries
- Direct support for SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases
- The only multiplatform visual tool that can easily import data from MS Access databases
- Support for query design in dedicated SQL view
- Designing and displaying relational data using combo boxes (lookup columns)
- Direct data entry or import using CSV format
- Locked down User Mode, allowing to switch off all design features