Krusader is an advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE Plasma and other desktops in the *nix world
- Extensive archive handling
- Mounted filesystem support
- FTP support
- Advanced search module
- Internal viewer/editor
- Folder synchronisation
- File content comparisons
- Powerful batch renaming
- Support for a wide variety of archive formats and can handle other KIO slaves such as smb or fish.
- Completely customizable and very user friendly
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FFmpeg Thumbnailer
Video thumbnail generator using FFmpeg
A lightweight solution for virtual folder support in KDE Applications
Graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE applications
Amazon S3 integration with KDE Plasma and KDE applications
KUIViewer KPart
KParts-इत्यत्र Qt Designer UI File Viewer इति सॉफ्टवेयरस्य उपयोगेन
SVG दर्शक KPart
KParts-उपयोगेन तन्त्रांश मध्ये SVG सञ्चिकानां प्रदर्शनं प्रतिपादितम् कृतम्
WHAT AudioCD इति
KDE Plasma सह श्रव्यसीडीनां पारदर्शकं एकीकरणं तथा च KDE अनुप्रयोगानाम् आँकडारूपान्तरणक्षमताभिः सह
Zeroconf Support
Browse local network services in Dolphin's Network page
किओ जीड्राइव
KDE Plasma तथा KDE अनुप्रयोगैः सह Google Drive एकीकरणं
KDE अनुप्रयोगेषु Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) समर्थयितुं प्लगिन्
मार्कडाउन् दर्शक KPart
KParts इत्यस्य उपयोगं कुर्वन्ति तन्त्रांश इत्यस्मिन् मार्कडाउन् सञ्चिकानां प्रतिपादितः प्रदर्शनम्