Kalarm je osebni planer alarmov, ukazov in e-pošte izdelan v skupnosti KDE
- Prikaz alarmov z vašim besedilom, z besedilom, ki ga je ustvaril ukaz ali z besedilno oz. slikovno datoteko.
- Zvočni alarm z uporabo zvočne datoteke
- Ponavljanje alarma vsako uro/minuto, tedensko, mesečno ali letno, lahko pa nastavite, da se sproži ob vsaki prijavi.
- Prilagoditev barve alarmov in pisav
- Podpora več koledarjem z alarmi, kar na primer omogoča, da si lahko delite alarme med namiznim in prenosnim računalnikom.
Namesti na
Izdaje RSS
3.10.3 2025-03-06
Release description
- Fix KAlarm exiting before executing session restoration.
3.10.2 2025-02-06
Release description
- Fix system tray showing blank KAlarm icon under XFCE.
3.10.1 2025-01-09
Release description
- Show normal decorated alarm windows over full screen applications on X11.
- Fix Akonadi functionality not working.
- Make fade work each time a repeated sound alarm is played.
- Fix Edit Alarm dialog error setting time if user's time zone is UTC.
- Fix build on FreeBSD if using MPV audio.
3.10.0 2024-12-12
Release description
- Show all Run Mode options in Preferences dialog.
- Provide build option to use VLC or MPV to play sounds.
- Convert to Qt 6.5 QDateTime/QTimeZone changes.
3.9.2 2024-10-10
Release description
- Fix crash if kernel alarm timers are supported.
- Fix Wake from Suspend not working when using RTC wake.
- Display any audio error message immediately when using Try button while editing an alarm.
- Fix failure to play sound files using VLC on some systems.
3.9.1 2024-09-12
Release description
- Fix repeating audio alarms only playing once.
3.9.0 2024-08-22
Release description
- Use VLC instead of libcanberra to play sounds.
3.8.2 2024-07-04
Release description
- Fix crash after editing new alarm if spell checking is enabled.
3.8.1 2024-04-11
Release description
- Display error message if error occurs trying to play an audio file.
3.8.0 2024-03-21
Release description
- Use libcanberra instead of Phonon to play sounds, for thread safety.
- In Edit Alarm dialog, allow save if Set Volume checkbox is toggled.
3.7.0 2024-02-28
Release description
- Convert to Qt6 / KDE Frameworks 6.
- Enable wake-from-suspend for multiple alarms if user kernel alarm timers are supported (Linux only).
- Set units for reminder and late-cancel depending on date-only selection in Edit Alarm Template dialog.
- Remove migration of pre-Akonadi KResources calendar configuration.
Nočni namestilniki
KAlarm nočni namestitveni programi so na voljo tudi za prenos s KDE CDN. Te različice so namenjene testiranju. Sodelujte in pomagajte nam, da jih izboljšamo!
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