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Categories:   Obrazovanje | Igre Other platforms:   Android | Windows
GCompris main menu
"Click on an uppercase letter" activity
"Learning Clock" activity
"Mixing color of paint" activity
"Colors" activity
"Build the same model" activity
"Count the items" activity
"The fifteen game" activity
"Hexagon" activity
"Balance the scales properly" activity
"End of chess game" activity
"A sliding-block puzzle game" activity

GCompris is a high quality educational software suite, including a large number of activities for children aged 2 to 10.

Some of the activities are game orientated, but nonetheless still educational.

Below you can find a list of categories with some of the activities available in that category.

  • computer discovery: keyboard, mouse, different mouse gestures, ...
  • arithmetic: table memory, enumeration, mirror image, balance the scale, change giving, ...
  • science: the canal lock, color mixing, gravity concept, ...
  • games: memory, connect 4, tic tac toe, sudoku, hanoi tower, ...
  • reading: reading practice, ...
  • other: learn to tell time, the braille system, maze, music instruments, ...

Currently GCompris offers in excess of 100 activities and more are being developed. GCompris is free software, that means that you can adapt it to your own needs, improve it and, most importantly, share it with children everywhere.

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25.0 2025-01-30
4.3 2024-11-29
4.2 2024-09-20
4.1 2024-05-23
4.0 2024-02-21
3.3 2023-06-06
3.2 2023-03-29
3.1 2023-01-21
3.0 2023-01-18
2.4 2022-04-13
2.3 2022-02-27
2.2 2022-02-24
2.1 2022-01-21
2.0 2021-12-17
1.1 2021-03-21
1.0 2020-11-19