

分类:   游戏
Palapeli 的截图

Palapeli is a single-player jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are freely moveable. Also, Palapeli features real persistency, i.e. everything you do is saved on your disk immediately.


  • Create and play puzzles ranging from 4 to 10,000 pieces
  • Piece-holders for helping solve large puzzles
This button only works with Discover and other AppStream application stores. You can also use your distribution’s package manager.
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软件版本 RSS

2.1.24080 2024-08-22
2.1.24052 2024-07-04
2.1.24051 2024-06-13
2.1.24050 2024-05-23
2.1.24022 2024-04-11
2.1.24021 2024-03-21
2.1.24020 2024-02-28
2.1.23085 2024-02-15