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利用 R 的統計學
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字彙 / 語言
- English - German, Green Line, 1696 Entries
- English - Spanish - Norwegian (Bokmål), 5 Lessons, 138 Entries
- Georgian Alphabet, Includes Georgian Mkhedruli (მხედრული) alphabet, 2 common transliteration systems, and the IPA symbols for the most common phonetical realizations of the letters. 7 Lessons, 66 Entries
- Catalan - German - Spanish, Irregular German verbs, 6 Lessons, 388 Entries
- Danish - English, 1 Lessons, 2000 Entries
- English - Danish, 1 Lessons, 12762 Entries
- Russian - German - English - Arabic - Spanish, The start of an extensive collection in four languages. Please note that it's not finished. 35 Lessons, 6432 Entries
- Russian - German - English - Arabic - Spanish, The start of an extensive collection in four languages. Includes pictures. 36 Lessons, 6429 Entries
- Verb - español - Präteritum, Partizip, deutsche unregelmäβige Verben, spanische Übersetzung, some irregular verbs for A2, and spanish translation. 13 Lessons, 202 Entries
- Greek - English, 25 Lessons, 1705 Entries
- Norwegian Bokmål - English, Should be edited by others for better and more accurate results and learning. There are more kind of times of the verbs in Norwegian than those who appear here. 2 Lessons, 120 Entries
- Greek - German, Graecum (German - Ancient Greek). No spiritus asper/lenis (didn't work on my machine). 9 Lessons, 5594 Entries
- English - Kanji, This document contains a subset of KANJIDIC, namely the 1945 kanji (jouyou kanji) taught in Japanese school, grades 1 to 6, and in secondary school. It was generated from Jim Breen's KANJIDIC (http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic.html) by Tomas Åkesson on 26 May 2008. This file is distributed in accordance with the licence provisions of the Electronic Dictionaries Research Group. See http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic.html and http://www.edrdg.org/. 46 Lessons, 3890 Entries
- German - Latin, 9 Lessons, 6314 Entries
- Pinyin (Mandarin) - Jyutping (Cantonese) - English - Chinese, 12 Lessons, 478 Entries
- 18th Century Prime Ministers, 1 Lessons, 32 Entries
- 19th Century Prime Ministers. 1 Lessons, 66 Entries
- 20th Century Prime Ministers, 1 Lessons, 52 Entries
- CA - Voice Data Video Certification, 3 Lessons, 330 Entries
- Monarchs of England, 1 Lessons, 136 Entries
- SI Prefixes, 1 Lessons, 40 Entries
- Chimie, 1 Lessons, 82 Entries
- Long Range Certificate (LRC), 5 Lessons, 224 Entries
- Fachkundenachweis für Seenotsignalmittel gemäß Sprengstoffrecht, 1 Lessons, 120 Entries
- Short Range Certificate (SRC), 5 Lessons, 514 Entries
- UKW-Sprechfunkzeugnis (UBI), 4 Lessons, 396 Entries
- UKW-Sprechfunkzeugnis (UBI), 3 Lessons, 396 Entries
字彙 / 語言
- Tarball of German to Latin vocabulary files - dela.tar.bz2, alphabetical order from German words
- Tarball of Latin to German vocabulary files - lade.tar.bz2, alphabetical order from Latin words
- Basic words English/German - basic_vocabulary_en2de.kvtml, 1332 entries in 47 lessons
- English/German - Edgar Allen Poe: The Raven - the_raven.kvtml
- Intended for german pupils: Vorbereitung Abitur Englisch - En.AbiVorb.Vokabeln.kvtml, Some remarks, verbs and adjectives
- General words German/Spanish - spanisch.kvtml, Some conjugation
- A collection of German/Spanish vocabularies - tests_deutsch_spanisch.tar.bz2
- Basic words English/Czech - basic_english_czech.kvtml
- Basic words English/Dutch - nederlands.kvtml
- Irregular verbs, English/French - eng-fra_irregular_verbs.kvtml, Includes conjugations
- Words of daily use, English/French - eng-fra_daily_words.kvtml, Includes conjugations
- Basic words English/Japanese - japanese5-6.kvtml, japanese.kvtml, japanese10.kvtml, japanese11.kvtml, japanese12.kvtml, japanese7.kvtml, japanese8.kvtml, japanese9.kvtml, jpn_club_a.kvtml, jpn_expr_a.kvtml, Needs Japanese fonts
- Help for learning Katakana alphabet - katakana.kvtml, Needs Japanese fonts
- Help for learning Hirigana alphabet - hirigana.kvtml, Needs Japanese fonts
- Basic English/Korean vocabulary - korean_lesson1.kvtml, korean_lesson2.kvtml, Needs Unicode font
- Strong verbs used in Norwegian Nynorsk for KVocTrain - sterke_verb_(nynorsk).kvtml, Conjugation
- German - Esperanto words - vortaro-eo-de.kvtml, 278 words
- German - Esperanto words - vortoj-de-eo.kvtml, 163 words
- Polish - German adjectives - pl_de_adjective1.kvtml
- Polish - German verbs. - to train Präteritum and Partizip II - pl_de_verb1.kvtml
- Polish - French basic vocabulary - pl_fr_basic1.kvtml
- English - Lojban vocabulary - en2lojban.kvtml
- Spanish - Catalan vocabulary - escat0.2.kvtml
- Some basic words/phrases for german / arabic - de-ar-1.kvtml, Includes arabic without vocal signs, and arabic with.
- Some basic words/phrases for german / arabic level 2 - de-ar-2.kvtml, Includes arabic without vocal signs, and arabic with.
- A collection of chinese files will be included with kde4 chinese language pack(s) - chinese-kvtml-1.0.tar.gz, Includes: HSK test sets A-D all words now, and most frequent 2000 characters grouped into 500 character files.
- Turkish and german - words, sentence chunks (constructions) and sentences (from a grammar, mostly) - tr-de.kvtml, 792 entries.
- Brasilian Portugese - German 1.0 - pt_BR-de, Including Portugese conjugations and many example sentences.
- Arabic-Dutch-English - ar-nl-en, Still growing, the first 400 words.
解剖學 / 生理學
- German - general information on joints (Gelenke): a_gelenke.kvtml
- German - the knee a_knie.kvtml, example uses the right knee.
- German - general information on bones - o_allgemein.kvtml
- German - the hip - o_becken.kvtml
- German - the chest - o_brustkorb.kvtml
- German - the chest, theoretical aspects - o_brustkorb_th.kvtml
- German - os humeralis (arm) - o_oberarm.kvtml
- German - os humeralis (arm), theoretical aspects - o_oberarm_th.kvtml
- German - the shoulder - o_schulter.kvtml
- German - the spine - o_wirbelsaeule.kvtml
- German - general information on muscles - m_allgemein.kvtml
- German - types of contraction - m_kontrakt.kvtml
- German - muscle types - m_typen.kvtml
- German - the stomach - m_bauch.kvtml
- German - the stomach, theoretical aspects - m_bauch_th.kvtml
- German - the breast - m_brust.kvtml
- German - the breast, theoretical aspects - m_brust_th.kvtml
- German - the chest - m_brustkorb.kvtml
- German - the chest, theoretical aspects - m_brustkorb_th.kvtml
- German - erector spinae - m_erectorspinae.kvtml
- German - erector spinae, theoretical aspects - m_erectorspinae_th.kvtml
- German - shoulder belt - m_schulterguertel.kvtml
- German - general information on the ligamenti - lig_allg.kvtml
- German - ligamenti humerale (arm) - lig_oberarm.kvtml
- German - the spine's ligamenti - lig_wirbelsaeule.kvtml
- German - Latin expressions - mi_begriffe.kvtml, eases learning if you know what the latin expressions mean
- German - the shock - mi_schock.kvtml
- German - Injuries and their names - mi_verletzungen.kvtml
- German - brain injuries - mi_verletzungen hirn.kvtml
Key: a: articulare (joints) ; m: musculi (muscles) ; o: os (bones) ; mi: misc. ; _th: theory
- Guitar tuning standard fretboard - guitar-fretboard-standard-tuning.kvtml, Learn which six notes appear on a particular fret for a guitar in standard tuning. Helps to increase sight-reading speed.
- all keys signatures - key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml, Learn to recognise which key a piece of music is written in by examining how many sharps or flats appear in the key signature.
- keys signatures: major keys - key-signatures-major-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys.
- keys signatures: major keys flat - key-signatures-major-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with flats in the key signature.
- keys signatures: major keys sharp - key-signatures-major-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the major keys with sharps in the signature.
- keys signatures: minor keys - key-signatures-minor-keys.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys
- keys signatures: minor keys flat - key-signatures-minor-keys-flats.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with flats in the key signature.
- keys signatures: minor keys sharp - key-signatures-minor-keys-sharps.kvtml, A subset of key-signatures-all-keys.kvtml - just the minor keys with sharps in the key signature.
- keys signatures: relative major and-minor keys - relative-major-and-minor-keys.kvtml, Each major key shares the same notes as one particular minor key. Only the starting note diffs. Each major key is said to have a "relative minor". In reverse, each minor key is said to have a "relative major".
Note: the key-signatures-all-keys file has been broken into -major and -minor, then those halves have been separated into -sharps and -flats since it is easier to learn those smaller chunks than to try to get everything in one go
- German - List of the roman emperors from Augustus till the constitution of the tetrachy in 284 a.c. - Kaiser.kvtml
- List of the different capitals of USA states from the beginning to now - uS Historical Capitals (advanced).kvtml
- Inventors and their inventions - English - inventors.kvtml
- World capitals - English - world_capitals.kvtml
- World capitals - German - world_capitals-de.kvtml
- World capitals - Dutch - world_capitals-nl.kvtml
- World capitals - Italian - capitali_del_mondo.kvtml
- European capitals in German - european_capitals.kvtml
- French departments - departements.kvtml, Learn the French departments - Apprenez les départements français
- Learn to name the numbers in English (easy) - numbers (easy).kvtml
- Learn to name the numbers in English (hard) - numbers (advanced).kvtml
- Chemical elements of the periodic table in English - periodic table.kvtml
- Amino acids in English - aminos.kvtml, 2 lessons: Amino Acid One letter Abbreviations and General R Group
- GRE preparation - gretools.kvtml, Published by GRETools.
- SAT preparation - SAT.kvtml, Published by http://www.freevocabulary.com/.
- German - SRC preparation - src_exam.kvtml, Exam questions for German Short Range Certificate, see http://www.bmvbw.de
- English/Spanish - ASE (Nationaly Institute of Automotive Service Excellence) exam topics - A1_Engine_Repair.kvtml, A4_Steering_and_Suspension.kvtml, A5_Brakes.kvtml, A6_Electrical_Electronic_Systems.kvtml, Words from: http://www.ase.com/