Objective: Destroy the opponent's satellite, while keeping the own one in tact.
KSpaceduel loads directly into the game mode; however, the action does not start until either player makes the first move.
Note: If the opponent’s satellite is controlled by the built in artificial intelligence, game action does not start until the human player makes the first move.
In KSpaceduel you control the ship’s rotation, acceleration, and weaponry. Your satellite is constantly drawn towards the sun by gravity. You have to adjust the rotation and acceleration of your ship to make it stay on course.
Note: Approaching the sun too close causes the satellite to explode.
In the same time you have to monitor the opponent’s movement and use your weapons consisting of bullets and mines, to destroy the enemy spacecraft.
Note: Your own weapons are as harmful to your satellite as they are to the enemy one.
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Nightly 測試版安裝程式
KSpaceDuel 決戰星空 的 Nightly 測試版安裝程式也可以從 KDE 的 CDN 下載。這些版本主要是用來測試的。參與開發來幫我們改善它們!